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Neighboring Cities:
Abercorn, Berkshire, BoltonEst, Bolton-Ouest, Brigham, Brome, Brome Lake, Bromont, Cowansville, Dunham, East Farnham, East Franklin, Eastman, Foster, Frelighsburg, Fulford, Granby, Granby, Knowlton, Knowlton, LacBrome, Lac-Brome, Richford, Saint-Alphonse-de-Granby, Saint-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Shefford, South Bolton, StAlphonsedeGranby, St-Alphonse-de-Granby, Stanbridge East, StEtiennedeBolton, Stevens Mills, StIgnacedeStanbridge, St-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, Sutton, Sutton, Sutton Ville, Waterloo, West Berkshire, West Brome